He has been seen as a champion of a more cautious approach to economic reform. 人们一直将他视为主张更为谨慎的经济改革措施的提倡者。
The government embarked on a programme of radical economic reform. 政府开始实施一项彻底的经济改革计划。
Any economic reform, he said, faced false starts and mistakes. 他说,任何经济改革一开始都难免会经历失败,难免会出错。
Economic reform is high on the agenda. 经济改革已成为头等大事。
We have always stressed the importance of economic reform 我们一向强调经济改革的重要性。
Economic reform will continue to be painful and ineffective 经济改革仍将举步维艰,毫无成效。
The President and his supporters are almost certain to read this vote as a mandate for continued economic reform 总统及其支持者几乎肯定地认为这次投票是对继续进行经济改革的授权。
The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland's economic reform 财政部长将继续策划波兰的经济改革。
Poland pressed on with economic reform. 波兰坚定地继续进行经济改革。
To keep economic reform on track, 60,000 public-sector jobs must be cut. 为维持经济改革的正常进展,必须裁掉6万个国有部门的工作岗位。
The implication seems to be that it is impossible to pursue economic reform and democracy simultaneously 言外之意似乎是经济改革和民主化进程是不可能同时进行的。
He reaffirmed his commitment to the country's economic reform programme 他重申了实施国家经济改革计划的决心。
The party embarked on a programme of economic reform 这个党开始进行经济改革。
There was a big sigh of relief once the economic reform plan was agreed 经济改革计划一获批准,人们都大大舒了一口气。
Economic reform has brought relative wealth to peasant farmers 经济改革给农民带来了相对的财富。
The premier exhorted an economic reform. 总理呼吁实行经济改革。
Construction standards system is commensurate with China's economic reform and to the national economic system reform and restructuring. 工程建设标准体制改革是与我国经济体制改革相适应的,并要随着国家经济体制的改革而进行调整。
Accompanying the market oriented economic reform, urban economy and urban structure in China are also changing rapidly. 伴随着市场化经济改革,在中国城市经济和城市结构也在迅速变化。
More importantly, it set the stage for the long process of economic reform and modernisation. 更重要的是,它为经济改革和现代化的长期进程铺平了道路。
The prosperity of township enterprises is the inevitable outcome of the economic reform in the rural areas. 乡镇企业的繁荣是我国农村改革的必然产物。
Economic reform would not have been successful without the development of industry. 没有工业的发展,经济改革就不会成功。
In the cities, women have made important contributions to urban economic reform and development. 在城市,广大妇女为推动经济的改革与发展作出了重要贡献。
Some worry about the slow pace of economic reform. 一些人对缓慢的经济改革步伐表示担忧。
His theory and policy advocates to promote China's economic reform and economic development. 他的理论与政策主张促进了中国经济改革与经济发展。
This time, both economic reform and nuclear disarmament need to be for real. 这一次,经济改革和无核化进程都必须动真格的了。
The programme of economic reform is backed by foreign aid. 经济改革方案得到了外援资助。
In a nutshell, our economic reform means invigorating the domestic economy and opening to the outside world. 我们的经济改革,概括一点说,就是对内搞活,对外开放。
We must speed up the pace of our economic reform. 我们必须加速经济改革的步伐。
The challenges of immigration and domestic economic reform are polarising electorates and producing weak governments. 移民和国内经济改革带来的挑战,在选民中造成了两极分化局面,并导致政府软弱无力。
Regional Conference on the role of public administration in promoting economic reform in eastern and central European countries; 公共行政在促进东欧和中欧国家经济改革上的作用区域会议;